Friday, November 14, 2008

Quentin Lagonza - 14/11

A long week so far, we've had France3 television filming the kulturfabrik for a short 'reportage' that should feature in the next few weeks,

also featured in some interviews =0 be funny to see all of it on tv when it appears heh

tonight we have Quentin Lagonza who will release their first CD, just waiting for them to arrive, I still haven't gotten a proper camera, but hopefully I'll have figured my phone camera out a bit better.

Two big concerts next week, Never say die and then the notwist on the weekend, amidst all this I have to stay on the ball and book things for next year, I'm loving the challenge anyhow =0

As always send me suggestions, I'll update with some photos a bit later

Some suggestions for the weekend

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